Dare to Compare Legend Homes!
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Legend’s EarthSmart energy efficient homes are sustainably built, affordably priced and engineered to help pay for themselves! They deliver long-term cost savings in the form of lower energy bills.
Legend’s EarthSmart Homes pass rigorous tests and exceed building code compliance. How do other home builders stack up when it comes to building the best energy-efficient green home?
COMPARE & WIN! Complete the checklist found on our Dare to Compare page, or simply click the button below, with at least one other local builder, then submit it to RussellGardens@LegendHomes.com or bring it to our sales office during our open weekend hours, to be entered to win a FREE GIFT from Legend Homes!*
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*By participating, I agree to receiving marketing materials. One entry per person, per household. Employees, brokers, and immediate family of Legend Homes’ employees are not eligible to participate. Winner must reside in the United States. Winners will be chosen randomly from all complete and correct responses.